
1 Space Town Literacy Programme ( STLP ) is adopted not solely to teach literacy but to guide students to empower themselves with the life-long skills necessary to become self-directed learners

2 Writing curriculum

Three levels of proofreading worksheets are designed to give feedback to the writing task and cater for learners’ diversity.

3 Different courses conducted by NETs

Creative writing, English Ambassador and Cambridge courses are conducted by NETs. The English language-rich environment helps students learn and use English communicatively. 

4 Happy English Programme;

- is a joint programme of Hong Kong Rural School Council and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- provides chances for students to communicate with the CUHK exchange students coming from different overseas countries.
- motivates students to take more initiative in using English through participating the wide range of activities organized by the Council.

5 English Musical

Our English teachers organize English musical every year. It has the potential of making the learning experience fun for the students and even memorable because it is interactive and visual.

6 Drama in Education

The students get the opportunity to express themselves and practise various drama skills such as voice projection and articulation, the use of facial expressions and body language. The students are also enabled to work together as a team to write and perform their script.